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  • Frisco
    Apr 15, 06:31 PM
    Google, Microsoft and Bush are Devils!

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  • 840quadra
    Oct 10, 09:24 PM
    I'm starting to doubt page 1 rumors just as much as I doubt Page 2 rumors. Unless you (MacRumors, not the 'source' website of the rumor,) have credible, reliable, direct sources, it belongs on Page 2. If you don't have direct sources, (as rumors on other websites would be,) it does not belong on page 1. By your own standards.

    I'm not sure where you got those criteria... but those aren't the criteria for which story make the first page.


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  • Doctor Q
    Apr 21, 12:11 PM
    However, without actually counting towards something, it's kind of pointless.
    Correct. But we have to add the feature to produce the data before we can start to make use of it! See the first post of this thread.

    mobile animated wallpapers. Etiketler: Mobile wallpapers
  • Etiketler: Mobile wallpapers

  • akadmon
    Nov 23, 11:31 PM
    Alright! Looks like I'm getting up early tomorrow, like around 10 ;)

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  • bmorris
    Jan 14, 08:32 PM
    i feel bad for the motorola guy.
    but the other stuff hilarous!

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  • TeppefallGuy
    Aug 2, 12:50 PM
    Apple�s response is linked as a PDF. Norwegian text and partially censored with a big black marker.

    "We will not give up, we believe that this is an important consumer question and that the product lock-in they (Apple) have is unreasonable. The Ombudsman believes that locking music to a certain brand of player - is a problem that affects many people. Most people have cell phones that can take many songs, but all the music I have bought from iTunes I can�t listen to via my cell phone, she says."

    (direct translation and no cleanup so it�s a bit rough)

    -- TeppefallGuy Newsroom --

    mobile animated wallpapers. Mobile Animated Wallpapers
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  • grahamtearne
    Sep 12, 04:34 AM
    A few people have mentioned webcasts and things streamed to London. I live in the UK, can anyone clear things up, am I going to be able to watch the event on the net live (if so, where), or will I just have to make sense of the text scrolling up the screen on this site?


    the live stream to london is for journalists only

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  • Various Mobile Animated

  • thatisme
    Jul 21, 09:36 AM
    I find it great that they are doing this... in so far as it illustrates what their testing shows, that the iPhone 4 is not the only phone to have "antenna issues"

    I don't see Apple as using this in an advertising campaign, just that they are backing up their claims and research with true visual evidence

    If they were acting immaturely, they would have just left it at "well, everyone else has the problems like this too" and not offer up any data, evidence, etc to back up their claim.... It is very similar to a vocal majority on this site saying "Apple's antenna design is defective" and "All iPhone 4's are defective" as well as "Every iPhone 4 loses reception just by touching it"... no hard data showing that ALL phones are defective or that the antenna doesn't work...

    mobile animated wallpapers. Mobile Animated wallpapers
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  • JGowan
    Apr 5, 03:02 PM
    I've often wondered about all of the great ads that I might be missing. Some, I don't care about, but others are very interactive and stuff that I buy or would buy. These interactive experiences help make a product just a little more real, accessible and engaging. If you show me why I would want something, it's a lot more effective than just a static graphic getting in my way.

    Ads can be fun --> SUPER BOWL, anyone? So with the "Loved" save feature, it'll be great when you want to show a friend how great something was or if you need to refer to it when trying to make a buying decision.

    The naysayers here --> boring. This is cool. If you don't like, don't waste the bits on your iPhone. The rest of us will enjoy the app.

    I'll be downloading this. Thanks, Apple!

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  • southernpaws
    May 2, 10:33 AM
    Now that people know what they're up to, it's "unintentional", and "bugs". :rolleyes:

    To you and other conspiracy theorists:

    At first I was skeptical at calling it a bug as well. I was convinced by the fact that Apple had nothing to gain by "secretly" slipping it in.

    They weren't sending themselves copies of the consolidated.db file-no actual advantage for apple to have extended logs of the location data. And they're not in the business of data mining, so following the money leads to a dead end.

    The absolute worst case scenario is that this was a careless oversight. There's simply no evidence or motive for malevolence. Sorry.

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  • TeppefallGuy
    Aug 1, 08:40 PM
    I spent 15 minutes registering for an account only to find out that The Daily Show is off limits for Norwegian buyers. I then tried to buy a DVD - only to discover that the DVD is US zone only. The Apple DVD player will not play it without a zone switch. And max is 4 times per OS install.

    The only way I can get The Daily Show is:

    1 - $$$ porn package from cable company
    2 - YouTube
    3 - Piracy

    I'm not 12 years old.. I don't have the time to pirate anything. So the only TDS for me is on YouTube. Quail hunting with the VP !!

    iTunes+DRM == Avis. You don't own ****. So... in Norway... DRM ! It's a crime !!

    Also.. The default M4A bit rate used by iTunes is a joke. You have to be 80 years old not to notice the huge difference between a CD and a standard iTunes M4A track.

    mobile animated wallpapers. Animated Wallpapers
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  • MBPLurker
    Mar 17, 10:44 AM
    The poor kid simply hit the "cash" button before typing in the total. I used to work at BB (now an attorney), so I feel sorry for the kid. The OP committed retail theft by knowingly leaving the store with a product he didn't pay full value for (differentiated from receiving a computer by mistake because of the intent requirement). If the kid is not fired he will surely be written up and never able to move upward in the company to get things like health insurance and other benefits. What's worse is that this is the time of the year when BB takes on a lot of new hires.

    It's sad to see people surprised at "morality police" coming out against the OP. He committed a freaking crime! Worse, he thinks he deserved to do it because he was a good boy and didnt steal the lady's iPhone earlier...

    I doubt it will do any good, but I'll do my part and forward this thread to some friends at BB corporate. I'm sure they could track down the receipt and let the kids gm know why his register was off by that amount and that it wasn't internal theft. They'd also give the GM OP's info from his rz card, which could be amusing... :)

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  • knightmare456
    Nov 6, 06:35 PM
    Getting it for PS3, I haven't pre ordered it but I'll probably get it at midnight from BlockBusters.

    I always preferred W@W to MW2 so I'm hoping it's gonna be more like that. If it's more like MW2 I'll probably be like this within a day.

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  • tjhilder
    May 2, 04:03 PM
    Hopefully it'll fix the bug I get when I want to have a song on repeat, seems to ignore the first song played and then it works on the second :(

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  • Animated Mobile Wallpaper 300

  • *LTD*
    Mar 16, 08:36 AM
    This is nonsence. If the average user was interested in just Apple, then why are Apple on a lesser market share for pretty much... everything but MP3 players? How come Android is proving more popular?

    You mean all the junk Google flooded the market with in order to inflate their share because they *still* can't make anything even remotely on the level of the iPhone?

    Licensing out your OS to anyone that can slam together a box and unloading product via the likes of ZTE and cheap Asian outfits (i.e., the "other" category) is hardly impressive. It's the Wintel way of dong business. Great for pumping up market share, but the profits go to the cream of the crop: Apple. For the rest it's a race to the bottom.

    I've said this before, and I'll say it again. THIS IS NOT AN APPLE FANSITE! Please go elsewhere if you wish to praise the mighty Apple endlessly. This site is for news and discussion based around Apple products. Not for fans to blow their load.

    It's an Apple fansite. It's unavoidable. It *is* however, an unhappy experience for trolls and contrarians. You seem unhappy and exasperated in your posts. Is that maybe an indicator of something?

    I'm in 2011. And I'm seeing Android beat iOS in the mobile world, and slowly creeping up in the tablet world. I'm seeing OS X being turned from a pretty advanced OS to an App riddled toy. I'm seeing Apple discontinue server services. I'm seeing Apple making silly mistakes such as clock bugs and adding social networks to media players. I'm seeing Apple still not improve MobileMe.

    You're seeing Apple hit new milestones and the competition keeping up the only way they know how: price and universal licensing. ZTE releases more Android junk and HTE releases their 20th variation of the same phone and it's crickets. Meanwhile there's so much as a hint of a new iPhone and the industry and market is just buzzing with excitement. The reason is simple: when it comes to Apple, consumer anticipation is in line with expectation.

    As for the rest, Apple is following the same formula they always have. It's the ideal of engineering and design: simplify, simplify, simplify. Cut, cut, cut. Then perfect what's left over.

    This is what results in record sales. With profits to match.


    mobile animated wallpapers. mobile animated wallpapers.
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  • lmalave
    Oct 20, 10:09 AM
    I do have a great deal of faith. My friends think I am nuts. Half the money is on margin and I am paying $420 a month in interest. Just a few months ago when it was down to $50 I had a margin call and I was in the hole $28K before having to dump 10K to cover the call. I did not mind since I did cash out last year with a nice 29K profit.

    Apple is a strong company with over $1 billion in cash and a growth rate unmatched in the industry. If I can hang in and keep it I will double my money in a little over a year.

    Whoa dude. Good for you, but you are playing a *very, very* dangerous game leveraging that much. You don't know what could happen in the stock market. It might not have anything to do with Apple - it could be another terrorist attack in the U.S., or some other world-shaking event overseas (e.g. coup in Russia, revolts in China).

    Don't do it, man. You're already making money on Apple stock - don't get greedy. Let me give you a cautionary tale: in 2000 my stock portfolio went from $100,000 to $30,000 in a matter of days. Not because the market went down by 70%, but rather because I was buying heavily on margin and the market went down by 20 or 30% or more in a few days (more in the tech stocks I owned). And I did *not* own any dot-bomb stocks. I invested in solid tech companies that are still doing well today, like BEA and IBM. The drop in stock price had *nothing* to do with the fundamental strength of the company or even their recent performance. It was just a market-wide overreaction. Give it some serious thought, man...

    P.S. Since then, I've basically only invested in market-indexed funds (mostly S&P 500 but also some international funds since countries like India and China are growing faster than U.S.). I figure if I'm gonna get rich it's going to be based on what's happening in my career/professional life, not based on any investments. I just don't need the grief of seein my hard-earned cash flushed down the drain because of events I have no control over.

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  • Adamo
    Oct 4, 08:06 AM
    I imagine they should be banned from MacWorld, but I also think it's the funniest thing I've seen today and absolutely hilarious. :)

    mobile animated wallpapers. Mobile Animated wallpapers
  • Mobile Animated wallpapers

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 10, 10:15 AM
    Technically the Confederacy wasn't defeated until a month later, and even then forces still fought because of how slow news traveled :p, but yea, Lee's surrender was basically the end.


    For example there were some battles in the Kansas/Missouri area at the end of the war that were some of the bloodiest. Of course this area had been part of a guerilla/proxy war before the civil war even began. The animosity between the two sides continued long after the war.

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  • joeshmo2010
    May 3, 02:49 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Love using tetherme cracked on iphone 4 to use personal hotspot with my unlimited data. :)

    Apr 3, 10:32 PM
    great detective work...too bad about your xbox360 though....good that they didnt take anything else...well, hopefully you're able to be compensated...did you have renters insurance?

    Apr 27, 06:03 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    He is a male, just like me, I can't believe you don't understand that...

    He thinks he is female which is a whole other thing


    Your ignorance related to trans issues is really showing here. I suggest you do a little research on this topic next time around.

    She is a woman plain and simple, what is or isn't between her legs does not matter one bit IMO.

    Really? That doesn't matter? Well then why don't we have men compete in all the women's events at the Olympics? Oh wait, it does matter

    I'm not defending the attackers. I think it was terrible. Horrifying video. It's hard to believe people are like this.

    I do think this whole "biology doesn't matter, it's how you feel in your heart" nonsense is obviously nonsense.

    He has every right to dress like a girl. I don't even mind if he uses a female bathoom. But those things don't make someone female. The characteristics that allow doctors to assign genders to new-borns do not change as people get older.

    Dec 6, 06:07 PM
    I like Black Ops multi-player the best out of all the CODs etc. It seems that fixed up a lot of outstanding gameplay mechanics and issues. Much less frustrating than MOW2.

    what is your primary 'go to' kit? shot gun? or running and stabbing? that seems to be the only way to play this game....this game is for kids.

    Apr 30, 12:33 PM
    Look at us debating this, I am sure Apple is having a hard time determining what to do too! I have a feeling they like it to, but you are correct that it is confusing when there are only two options.

    However, this doesn't mean I think it should go away. It just needs a little more tweaking! :D

    Also, I am glad they are going with the squarish buttons. It's amazing how more modern it feels compared to the rounded buttons!

    Jan 5, 08:58 PM
    I've been wanting to do this for a few years now. Thanks! ! !

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