chi princess diana death photos

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  • writemikep
    Apr 7, 12:14 PM
    Some of the customer reviews on the iTunes download page are very critical of the controls for some games. Not sure how well they've ported these to the touch screen interface....

    chi princess diana death photos. chi princess diana death
  • chi princess diana death

  • donlphi
    Nov 29, 12:44 PM
    A person can buy a movie from iTunes and play it on as many iPODS they want (how many does a single household actually have?) or a person can just get netflix, request the movie, rip it, put it on his OR her iPOD, and watch it as many times as he or she wants.

    I WOULD NEVER DO THAT, but I know people that would think about it...


    chi princess diana death photos. chi princess diana death
  • chi princess diana death

  • Uberglitch
    Oct 19, 06:37 PM


    chi princess diana death photos. The Princess Diana death
  • The Princess Diana death

  • topgunn
    Feb 23, 04:28 PM
    This article was previously discussed here.

    It's a good read overall. I love the part about the wattages for the mini compared to other SFF computers.


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  • cmoore49
    Apr 7, 10:26 PM
    Go to settings,general,scroll down to international. Might be hard to decipher as it is a foreign language. International is the 4th one up from the bottom.
    Click on international. The first line is language. Click on language. The first line is English

    chi princess diana death photos. princess diana death photos
  • princess diana death photos

  • Apple2
    Apr 16, 04:42 PM
    It's probably possible, but you'd need to write the game yourself. Also, the mouse wouldn't be able to control the computer, so the game should be able to respecify mouse button actions and controls. It also needs to be optimized for the magic mouse. I'm not sure if the mouse differentiates from the top and bottom of the mouse for expose, but if it does, it will work flawlessly. Its just a matter of finding or writing a game that uses the magic mouse controls differently to control the game.


    chi princess diana death photos. chi princess diana death
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  • capsboy
    Aug 13, 10:03 AM
    SAME!!!! Here you go!

    Just what I needed

    chi princess diana death photos. Princess Diana#39;s death in
  • Princess Diana#39;s death in

  • JsR
    Dec 28, 07:05 AM
    I was very lucky this year. I got:-

    Some new UGG's
    Tiffany bracelet
    �50 HMV Voucher
    �25 iTunes Voucher
    Parker Pen (I start my Master's next month and I wanted a nice pen!)
    A skin for my iPad
    A 27 inch iMac (It was my birthday beginning of December so that was joint birthday/christmas)
    Toni & Guy set

    Oh...and a cold :( Haha


    chi princess diana death photos. chi princess diana death
  • chi princess diana death

  • alhedges
    Apr 28, 02:37 PM
    HTC Thunderbolt outsold the iPhone 4 on Verizon.

    Not even close. The 4 sold 2.2 million on Verizon; the Thunderbolt sold maybe 500-700,000. TB sold 130,000/wk. 4 on Verizon sold 366,000/wk.

    This whole meme is based on an analyst who called a 150 Verizon stores and asked how the TB was selling vs. the 4. 61% said that they were selling about the same; 28% said that the TB was selling better.

    This was a stupid methodology, of course, since it left out factors like how the 4 was selling at Apple stores or online...or at any place other than verizon stores. And the analyst also only polled stores in locations were LTE was available.

    chi princess diana death photos. chi princess diana death
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  • ranviper
    Apr 8, 10:57 AM
    Mine atm

    Link for those who want it: Joker (

    What dock icons are you using? I als can't seem to get my dock to float that high off the bottom. Thanks in advance.


    chi princess diana death photos. chi princess diana death
  • chi princess diana death

  • OSMac
    Apr 8, 07:40 AM
    Tempest ok for .99

    chi princess diana death photos. chi princess diana death
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  • designgeek
    May 2, 07:01 PM
    I'd totally donate, but what little blood I have is usually loaded with alcohol and THC, so I don't think they'll take it. Plus I've had lots of piercings, one in the last month, so I can't. :(


    chi princess diana death photos. chi princess diana death
  • chi princess diana death

  • nOw2
    Dec 22, 10:13 AM
    The solution is to get management using Macs.

    I'm lucky to be working for a company whose founders are Mac addicts. Everything works on a Mac; as a side effect, 99% is available to Linux users too since Apple is good at keeping to standard protocols (we have been forced onto MS Online Exchange which is okay with the Mac these days, but without IMAP enabled everyone else is screwed over).

    Basically because Macs have been here since day one, nearly 10 years ago, there has been no question of legacy Windows systems or adopting technology that Mac clients can't work with.

    We were recently bought out by a large corporate. There were moves to standardise onto Windows laptops out of cost concerns. A free 17" 2010 MBP was found for the guy who came in from the corporation to reorganise us and, like magic, Macs are back on the purchase lists.

    Saying that, a previous company I worked with didn't have any legacy issues either, but was founded with a MSDN subscription in hand. Therefore, because there was all this 'free' software available, they got locked into using it. It simply wasn't possible to gain traction with Mac or Linux or anything non-Windows there.

    chi princess diana death photos. princess diana death photos
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  • chicagdan
    Jan 11, 08:32 AM
    I think it's funny that many posts on these boards talk about the excellent value for the Mac Pro (decked out, costing > $4k!), but balk at a $600 phone. This after they've probably dropped $100 on thier existing phone, and $300 on their ipod. For an extra $200, wouldn't you like to have the sexiest phone on the planet.

    Well, quite frankly, no. Not when the iPhone tops out at 8 gigs of memory and my current iPod holds 60 gigs and knowing that movies take up more than a gig of memory (why on earth create a device to watch movies that can't hold them?) And considering that all I use a phone for is to make and answer calls ... my RAZR plus iPod is actually a more convenient combination right now.

    I say right now because I have zero doubt that Apple will -- 2 or 3 generations down the line -- turn this device into something I have to have. They will increase the flash memory ... they will add features. The killer ap down the line will be speech to text translation, making it possible to avoid the keyboard for everything but light editing. That will change everything and I'm sure Apple's working on it.

    But given that reselling an iPhone will be difficult if not impossible, it's almost certainly best to wait and see if prices drop, features improve, battery life gets better, etc. I see no need to be the canary in the coal mine this time. Summer 2008 looks like a much better time to buy version 2.


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  • Weaselboy
    May 5, 07:40 AM
    I have a 2010 27" and other than a slight rumble sound when there is HDD activity, it is completely silent.

    chi princess diana death photos. chi princess diana death
  • chi princess diana death

  • michaelsaxon
    Jan 9, 02:48 PM
    Well, then get one of the Apple nugs to demo the rest of the stuff that people are obviously interested in. If you aren't into the phone, there really wasn't much to see here.


    chi princess diana death photos. chi princess diana death
  • chi princess diana death

  • mcdj
    Mar 27, 08:55 PM
    and the auction is over. maybe it was him. well when the next one pops up, we'll find that one too.

    chi princess diana death photos. princess diana death
  • princess diana death

  • ntn001
    Apr 25, 12:01 AM
    My time Capsule is full of old accounts and computers and I want to backup my macbook pro but don't know the best way to go about it. I run a small business network and the time capsule backs up 3 iMacs and one mac mini.

    My mbp has a new harddrive and new profile (ie the home folder's name has been changed) but a lot of old data on the TC is the same as the mbp - so I don't want to delete it.

    Can anyone advise please? Don't want to make a mistake that proves foolish later.

    Thanks in advance.

    chi princess diana death photos. chi princess diana death
  • chi princess diana death

  • partyBoy
    Sep 1, 01:02 AM

    Nov 5, 02:05 PM
    I plugged in my 2G shuffle just now and there was a software update 1.0.1.

    Nov 19, 05:28 PM
    Well Amazon started selling Beatles CDs for 7.99 each right after iTunes got the Beatles Catalogue. Pretty much below cost but a lost leader for them.

    I don't see why Apple would care. They get paid by the retailer.

    It cheapens their product and pisses of their retailers.

    Isn't there some kinda law against price fixing like this?

    No but as stated before, if a chain is undercutting others then the manufacturer can choose not to sell to that retailer.

    Oct 17, 11:22 PM
    Zune, another word for cheap.:p

    Nice job.

    Apr 29, 03:48 PM
    I have noticed this the last couple of weeks using Chrome on different computers on different networks.

    Every now or then on a relative frequent basis, the forum spy page will time out and Chrom will give me the option to kill the page or wait. This will also make any other open threads I am viewing in other tabs essentially freeze (no scrolling for example).

    Anyone else notice this? If so, thought I would bring it to light so to speak

    Mar 2, 05:30 PM
    Social Security was originally designed to care for those who lived beyond average life expectancy, which was under 65 at the time. It's logical to raise the age to start taking benefits by a few years. Encouraging smoking and fast food is probably not the best choice.

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